At NewPath Child & Family Solutions, we bring hope to families who need it most, building a stronger community. By partnering your company or organization with NewPath, you can provide hope and healing to children, teens, young adults, and their families recovering from trauma.
Many NewPath clients never get to encounter a meaningful winter holiday experience due to circumstances beyond their control. As a result, NewPath provides holiday fun to 600+ children and teens so they are able to experience the joy of the season, many for the first time.
We have many ways to get involved, whether you’re looking for a one-time volunteer project or a long-term commitment. Some opportunities are listed below, but if you have a special talent or idea you’d like to share, talk to us! We’d love to find a great fit for you at NewPath.
NewPath is committed to meeting the needs of children and families in Southwest Ohio. We support children and families of all religions, races, and ethnicities with a commitment to help those who have experienced trauma. We accept gifts and donations that help further that mission.
Each year, NewPath hosts the Heart & Hope Gala to raise funds and recognize the volunteers, donors, and employees who go above and beyond to care for the children, teens, and families we support. Join us through attendance and sponsorship for annual award presentations, food, drinks, and a brief program.
Many companies worldwide offer employees access to Employee Volunteer Programs (EVP) or volunteer incentive programs. Eligible employees can receive paid time off to volunteer in their community or attend company-wide volunteer days. The exact benefits of the EVPs vary and are specific to each company. Contact your Human Resources Department to find out if you are eligible or to suggest starting a program.
Your continued partnership makes life-altering changes and opportunities in children’s lives that will follow them into the future. Without you, we would not have the growing success and community impact that we proudly achieve each year. Please join us as we stand by our clients in Igniting Hope. Changing Futures. Your support will help to ensure that NewPath is here for those in need—not only now, but for another 190+ years!
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