formerly St. Joseph Orphanage (855) 577-PATH (7284)

Share Your Story

Submit Your Photos, Stories, & Memories

As part of our 190th anniversary celebration, we are collecting historical photos and stories about St. Joseph Orphanage (SJO). Do you have photos that show a friend or relative who was an orphan in our care or that show some other aspect of our history? Do you have stories about friends or relatives helped by SJO?

We invite you to share those photos and stories with us! We will feature them in our promotional materials, website, and in a historical display at our Reunion Open House Luncheon.

Email Photos & Stories:

Mail Photos & Stories: Send copies of your photos to us at :
St. Joseph Orphanage
Attn: Development (Reunion)
5400 Edalbert Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45239

Submit Your Photos & Stories

Share your stories and photos with us.  Please feel free to send your photos and stories to:

Please Note: By submitting your photo(s) and story(ies) to us, you are giving us permission to publicly display your photo(s) and story(ies). We may post them on our public website and may include them in our promotional materials. We may also feature them in a historical display at our Reunion Open House Luncheon.