formerly St. Joseph Orphanage (855) 577-PATH (7284)

Random Acts of Kindness Week

February 18, 2020

10 Ideas For Bringing Someone Cheer

Picture taken by Marcie Lew. No changes were made to the picture.

Random Acts of Kindness Week, also known as RAK Week, is happening now until this Sunday, February 23rd. The holiday originated in 1995 in the city of Denver, Colorado. However, the concept of random acts of kindess has actually been around for much longer. In the 1980s, at a restaurant in Sausalito, California, Anne Herbert put the words  “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty” onto a placemat and, from there it set off a chain reaction.

So what is a random act of kindness? According to GoodTherapy, a random act of kindness is, “an unexpected act of charity or helpfulness and is often done for a stranger.” This week, we challenge you to do at least one random act of kindness.

10 ideas for bringing someone cheer this week:

  1. Put change into a stranger’s parking meter.
  2. Buy coffee for the person in line behind you.
  3. Send a handwritten letter to someone important to you.
  4. Donate the old clothes you don’t need anymore.
  5. Let cars merge into your lane, even if it’s inconvenient.
  6. Send flowers to a loved one. Get your kids involved by having them decorate the flower pot!
  7. Create gift bags of assorted candy and give them away.
  8. Gather old blankets, comforters, and towels and donate them to an animal shelter.
  9. Donate magazines to a local senior citizen’s nursing home.
  10. Give directions to someone who’s lost, even if you’re in a hurry.

Doing random acts of kindness can fuel personal energy, improve your self-esteem, make you happier, and maybe even help you live longer. How will you be giving back this week?