formerly St. Joseph Orphanage (855) 577-PATH (7284)

Opioid Epidemic Impact on Ohio Foster Children

December 29, 2017

Foster Children In Need of Loving Foster Parents

Ohio Foster Children Affected By Opioid Epidemic

More children are entering Ohio foster care at alarmingly higher rates than ever before. If the opioid epidemic continues at its current pace, Ohio will have over 20,000 children in foster care by 2020. The need for foster parents is greater than ever before and is only projected to grow.

Children in the Ohio Foster Care system is increasing much faster than the rate of licensed Ohio foster parents.

67% of children

in foster care are

12 and younger

28% are 3

and younger.

Children in Foster

Care Increasing

2013: 12,654

2015: 13,543

2017: 15,145

Foster Children Need YOU.

Foster Children 33% increase

Foster Parents 2.5% Increase

You Can Change A Child’s Life

You can make an impact in a child’s life whether you decide to foster 1+ child or make a donation for a child in foster care. The need to act is rising as the amount of children in Ohio’s Foster Care System continues to grow and everyone in our community can help in some way.

<img src=”” alt=”Foster Children Need You” width=”407″ height=”137″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-5146″><!– –><h2>Request Information About Becoming A Foster Parent</h2><!– –>

Source: Public Children Services Association of Ohio (PCSAO).