The coolest thing I saw: Pet an alligator
If I could do anything, I would: Get rid of drugs and bad people
When I grow up, I want to be: A motorcycle and auto mechanic
Something about me: I like the Cincinnati Cyclones
Favorite Food: Steak
AT AGE 18, SADIE IS A SURVIVOR, complete with the battle scars. Emerging from a childhood where she was left largely unprotected by a mother who is still homeless and abusing drugs, Sadie experienced trauma in the forms of physical and sexual abuse, again and again.
Through sheer resiliency, she recently earned her GED, despite limited resources and support. Although she has large scars on her body from when she used to self-harm, since getting into therapy at St. Joseph Orphanage, she has not cut herself in over a year. She has also successfully maintained employment, and just recently she moved into secure housing.
“Until I met my therapist at St. Joe’s, I never trusted any other counselor before,” says Sadie. “She will go out of her way to check in on me, even on the weekends – she genuinely cares.”