Impact Newsletter
Summer 2024
- Letter from the CIO
- Supporter Spotlights
- Upcoming Events & Impact Opportunities
- Client Story
A Message from NewPath’s Chief Impact Officer
This has been a year of growth, not just for the youth in our services but for our entire organization as well. Thanks to the generosity of our partners and our community, we expanded our reach to serve more youth and families than ever before.
A few key growth points include:
- The expansion to our new building
- Investing in our workforce through training, development, and appreciation events
- Seeing greater engagement amongst the caregivers who are working with our youth day in and day out
- Growth in the experiences our youth have been able to have through our Experiential Learning program
- The unwavering support of our supporters allows us to respond when a client has a non-clinical need readily
As we prepare to move into the next fiscal year, we continue to invest in our service lines to ensure we are providing Therapeutic Excellence in Every Interaction.
Supporter Spotlights
Empowering Donor Spotlight – Bill Iles
Bill Iles started working with NewPath by attending a couple of our career fairs and volunteering for mock interviews to help prepare the teens and young adults in our services. He then organized a field trip to Beckman Coulter, his place of work, to help inspire our youth and help them discover a career path they are passionate about. On the tour, Bill emphasized the importance of obtaining a high school diploma. Prior to the tour, he hosted a company-wide golf outing to raise funds, which were then used to gift each NewPath youth a pair of Air Jordan sneakers, gift cards, a hoodie, and socks. Bill also sponsored NewPath‘s Topgolf Outing through Beckman Coulter and continues to look for new ways to stay involved in our mission.
“In all ways, Bill’s dedication to our kiddos grows and grows each year and we are incredibly appreciative of everything!“ – Connie Ring, NewPath‘s Director of Philanthropic Giving
Impactful Corporate Partnerships – Allworth Financial
Allworth Financial has been a dedicated partner of NewPath since 2022. Recently, they donated 432 book bags filled with essential school supplies to support the education ambitions of our enrolled NewPath students. Many of our students wouldn’t otherwise have access to the tools necessary for education.
“Allworth Financial has been a longstanding and generous in-kind donor to the Newpath community. Their contributions have grown steadily by providing much-needed school supplies.“ – Allie Daria, Corporate Partnership Coordinator
Client Story
Finding Solutions for the Family
Ryan* (aged 12) came to NewPath after multiple placements with family, and foster care proved not to be the right fit. He entered children’s services after being removed from his biological parents’ home due to physical abuse and exposure to substance abuse and domestic violence. Ryan struggled with substance abuse, running away, aggression, school suspensions, anxiety, and a suicide attempt. NewPath’s team of therapists, teachers, and social workers saw that he was extremely smart, engaging, helpful, and remorseful for his actions. Together, they were able to establish a foundation of trust and begin work on his healing journey. NewPath identified that the best solution for Ryan was to engage his aunt in family therapy and work toward reunification. He has since moved in with his aunt. They continue to partner with NewPath to monitor his progress.
*Name changed for privacy protection.
Get Involved!
Please join us as we stand by community youth in Igniting Hope and Changing Futures. Your support will help to ensure that NewPath is there for those in need—not only now but for another 190+ years!
Heart & Hope Gala
October 10, 2024 | 5:30-8 pm
NewPath invites you to the 2024 Heart & Hope Gala—Rising Change, an evening full of fun, storytelling, and celebration of our 2024 Heart, Hope, Spark, and Torch Award recipients. These awards recognize the volunteers, donors, foster parents, and team members who go above and beyond to care for the children and families we support. We hope you will join us!
Resource Center
Year-Round Opportuinities
The Resource Center at NewPath is available to all staff with client contact, providing much-needed supplies to enhance their wellness goals and their clients’ well-being. Working in partnership with the community’s support, we are currently in need of Summer clothing such as t-shirts, shorts, leggings, sports bras, crocs, slide sandals, and sneakers (all sizes).
Louie the Lion
NewPath’s Cuddliest Team Member
Meet Louie the Lion, NewPath’s newest and cuddliest team member. He might seem like just a little stuffed lion, but he has BIG responsibilities. For many, the lion symbolizes bravery and strength. For enrolled NewPath youth, Louie also represents HOPE. NewPath is a positive source of renewal, where children and families turn to recover and rebuild strength in the aftermath of traumatic situations.
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