formerly St. Joseph Orphanage (855) 577-PATH (7284)

National Adoption Month – November 2015

November 1, 2015

November is National Adoption Month and this year’s theme is, “We Never Outgrow the Need for a Family,” to help bring awareness to the older youth population who are still in need of foster and permanent families in Ohio.

Of the 13,600 children that are currently residing in foster homes in Ohio, 2,397 of them are waiting to be adopted. 1,420 of those children awaiting adoption are 9 years and older and have been in foster care for an average of 1,732 days, or 4 years and 9 months.

Compared to their peers, these older youth in foster care face higher rates of poor outcomes, such as dropping out of high school, unemployment, and homelessness. Despite these challenges, research on positive youth development confirms that children and youth have the ability to overcome traumatic experiences and thrive in adulthood when they are connected to a strong, permanent support system.

All youth need a sense of belonging. You can provide love and stability, but also help them navigate the complicated landscape of their emerging independence. These lasting connections can help youth with important life tasks such as enrolling in higher education, finding stable housing, securing employment, and establishing healthy relationships.

To learn more about becoming a foster parent with St. Joseph Orphanage, click here.

To learn more about National Adoption Month, click here.

To read  Governor Kasich’s resolution recognizing November as National Adoption Recognition and Recruitment month, click here.